Tooth Colored Filling Procedure West Hollywood, CA
Tooth-colored fillings offer a combination of both health and cosmetic benefits. While your oral health is important, we also understand our patients' desires for having beautiful white teeth. Traditionally, tooth cavities would have been filled with amalgam metal. This material would improve tooth function and shape, but it was not aesthetically pleasing. Numerous patients see the shiny metal as a distraction to their overall smile.
Patients today can receive tooth-colored fillings that do not steal attention away from other teeth because they look completely natural. No one will notice that you have received a filling. They are strong and sturdy as any other type of filling and can last for years with the proper maintenance.
At VIP Dental Spas, West Hollywood dental fillings specialist Dr. Matian, is dedicated to helping you enjoy your most beautiful and strongest teeth. Great oral health is a foundation for living a long, healthy life. Please call our dental office today to schedule a consultation for dental fillings and recover a luminescent and healthy smile.
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